For several years now, 10 - I think. I have been drawing humanoid bunnies, like the ones you see below. They are designed to have long agile bodies, long slender necks, and lots of jewelry. The ears of my bunnies tend to let you know if they are male or female. Females have long floppy ears while Males have straighter shorter ears.

Morning After

Click to zoom in
Drawn with: Pencil on plain printer paper
Drawn by: Samantha Bankes Aka Yaoi Bunny
Comment: I used a magazine advertisement to give me reference. Some of the proportions are off, but I think I did well for having no real training in drawing. I wish I had drawn her ears longer, since they are what makes a viewer know she's indeed female. I think by the time I got to her, I was rushing to finish the image.

Beach Bunnies

Beach Bunnies
Click to zoom in
Drawn with: Pencil on plain printer paper
Drawn by: Samantha Bankes Aka: Yaoi Bunny
Comment: Drawn again using a magazine advertisment for reference. It's a great trick for trying to get your idea on paper. The strange pole thing behind them is supposed to be the end peice of a sun umbrella but I don't think it comes across as such. Someone told me it looked more like a javalin. *Sweatdrop* I really like how they turned out despite the failed background.

Sleep Over Bunny

Sleepover Bunny
Click to zoom in
Drawn with: Pencil on Sketch paper
Drawn by: Samantha Bankes Aka: Yaoi Bunny
Comment: One of my more naughty bunnies who is getting ready for an adult sleep over. Please, ignore the background. It really didn't come out as well as I hoped. I was trying to show the street and the front yard of the house, but I failed. She is wearing a bathrobe over her... um... attire.  Her word balloon says: "Hello, I am here for the sleep over / birthday party!"

Bunny and Cherries

Cherry Bunny
Click to Zoom
Drawn With: Pencil, Ink and Markers on sketch paper
Drawn By: Samantha Bankes - Yaoi Bunny
Comment: I wanted to draw my friend a picture with my bunny girl and cherries. I started with pencil, inked it and then colored with markers. I need better markers. I love the way the colors pop and I wish I hadn't colored her bra that deep blue. She even has a cherry tattoo!

Bunny in a Box

Bunny in a Box
Click to Zoom
Drawn with: Pencil on plain white paper
Drawn by: Samantha Bankes Aka Yaoi Bunny
Comment: Taken from a picture collage in a magazine. I loved the idea and style of the image and twisted it a bit with my bunny. I know she looks a bit oversized for the box, but that was the point. 20/20 makes me wish I had used a ruler on the straight lines.

70's Bunny on Turtle

Bunny Turtle
Click to zoom
Drawn with: Pencil and Ink on white paper
Drawn by: Samantha Bankes aka Yaoi Bunny
Comment: I was attempting something else with this image, but I like what I ended with. The turtles head isn't as good as I would have liked, but meh. When I was drawing her, she started to look a bit dated, so I put her as a 70's girl.

This Side Up

This Side Up
Click to Zoom
Drawn with: Pencil on white printer paper
Drawn by: Samantha Bankes aka Yaoi Bunny
Comment: She's a bit naughty, a bit kinky, but all Bunny. I don't like the way her head came out but I am not sure how to fix it. She is sitting on a cardboard box with the sign on the box pointing toward her butt. She is wearing chains, handcuffs, and arm bands.

Girls Night Out

Girls Night Out
Click to Zoom
Drawn with: Pencil on white paper
Drawn by: Samantha Bankes Aka Yaoi Bunny
Comment: Playing around with groupings.I like the way they both came out. The drinks are a bit...bad...but you can still tell what they are supposed to be.

Star Bunny *Naked*

Drawn With:  Pencil on white paper
Drawn By: Samantha Bankes - Yaoi Bunny
Comment: Yes, she is nude. However, she isn't showing anything but her butt crack and her nipple. If you don't like nudity, don't zoom in. I was practicing body proportions. I actually used an image from a porn magazine to help me. The stars were done with a stensil.