Broken and Bleeding

She lay there in his arms- broken and bleeding
He sat there- crying and pleading
She coughed and gasped the words "You said you wouldn't let me go"
He closed his eyes and hugged her - "Never. I love you so"
She smiled weakly as she looked up at him
Her heart slowing as her face turns grim
His wings were soaked in her blood
Her body caked in mud
She touched his cheek with gentleness
He gave her one final kiss
She frowned as she saw him cry
She struggled, she didn't want to die
The words she spoke echoed in his ears and heart
Slowly they were being torn apart
She grasped his hand and held it tight
He would sit there holding her all night
She slowly stuggled to breath but failing
How long they had there was no telling
She faultered here and there
He cherished her as he held her with care
They sat beneath the greatest oak
She sputtered and began to choak
He cried and held her tight
She struggled with all her might
To stay afloat in a sea of darkness
He moved her hair, a gentle caress
She lay there still her hand aupon her breast
He sighed and closed her eyes, she is now at rest
He cried and shouted to the heaven how unfair
To leave him and have her resting there
He gathered her into his arms, a loving embrace
And buried her in her proper place
He sat upon the stone and grew so cold
His heart and body grew to stone, an angels mold
Rest in peace, it simple read
You art in heaven and are not dead.