Castle Marrach

Waking in dream-like states
Curious to the locked gates
Food, Drinks and Passions free
Thinking, learning to be
Climbing the social ladder
Listening to the chatter
Scheming, growing taller
Stepping above the smaller
Evil winning over Good
Knowing eyes beneath the hood
Good triumphantly tackles Evil
Bringing around the upheaval
Queen of Ice gathering souls
Questions to why no one knows
Secrets yet to be revealed
Why are the gates sealed?
Who replenishes the castle?
Why all the hassle?
Where is this mountain top?
Why do we dance until we drop?
So many mysteries unsolved
So many friendships desolved
Time is eternal here
Immortality- warnings bare
Dance the way of the souls,
Weaving the web of holes,
Capture, Spin and Weave,
Show the castle that you believe
Take your time and never rush,
for you have eternity to find so much.